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Lower School (Year 1 - 3) 

Careful planning ensures the transition from Foundation Stage to Year 1 is as smooth as possible. Year 1 ensures all the National Curriculum objectives for Year 1 are covered in depth and the move to a more formal style of learning is gradual and is done when the child is ready to move on. Although the national curriculum is followed, learning is carefully designed to be exciting, engaging the pupils in the topics and encouraging the pupils to develop their own lines of enquiry.

Further up the school, pupils quickly adjust to more formal styles of teaching but creativity and independence of thought is still valued and encouraged. Pupils cover areas of learning in more depth and strive to master an objective before moving on. Homework is set more frequently and pupils are supported to take more responsibility for their own achievement.

Useful Websites 

Times Tables Rock Stars 
Oxford Owl Reading Books 
Phonics Play
Cosmic Yoga

Reading Lists 

Please click here for books and stories that we enjoy reading with your children in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3

In Key Stage 1, children follow the Ruth Miskin Read, Write Inc. phonics programme. Further information can be found here. 

Curriculum Maps 

Year 1 - Curriculum Overview
Year 2 - Curriculum Overview
Year 3 - Curriculum Overview 

Get in touch

Hermitage Primary School
Belmont Road

T: 01895 234 871