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With the Internet finding its way into our lives more and more, and at an ever younger age, it is important to remember  how to use the Internet safely. The term 'Online Safety' is used to cover this area.

Good practices include keeping your username and password safe and not sharing them with others.  Children should tell a trusted adult if someone or something has made them uncomfortable or worried whilst online.

NB: This page will contain links to other websites. Hermitage Primary School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. As ever, children should check with a trusted adult or teacher if you they unsure of what to do.

Information and minimum age for social networks 

Visit the following website to find out general information about various social networks and the minimum age you have to be to have an account.

How to guides... 

Look at the website below for 'How to guides' on various apps and websites.

An app designed to help parents talk about internet safety issues with their children 

Use the link below to find out more about this fantastic app. The idea is to help children to make smart choices and to stay safe online.

  • Aimed at children aged between 8-10.

  • Split-screen collaborative app helps them think about what they would do if they were faced with different situations online; from cyberbullying to sharing content with someone they don’t know.

  • Quizzes and games encourage parents and children to collaborate and talk about 9 different e-safety subjects.

  • Available through the App Store and Google Play.

Snapchat - Information about 'Snap Maps' 

Snapchat has a feature called ‘Snap Maps’, which puts users and their snaps onto a map so friends and other Snapchatters can see where they are and what they are doing.

The video below explains how this feature works and the pictures show how to turn the feature off.


How to hide your location on Snap Maps

  • When in photo-taking mode, pinch the screen to open your Snap Map

Picture of pinching snap mapImage copyright: NEWSROUND

  • Tap the settings cog in the right hand corner of the screen

Tap the setting cog

Image copyright: NEWSROUND

  • Tap Ghost Mode to switch off location sharing

Tap ghost mode on phone

Image copyright: NEWSROUND

Remember if you are a child that has any concerns about online safety, speak to a parent or teacher.

What Parents and Carers need to know.... 

National Online Safety believes in supporting parents, carers and trusted adults in having conversations about social media, apps and using the Internet. Please see the guides below to support these conversations.

Stronger Passwords
Safe and Healthy Habits 
Open Discussions
Summer tips 
Virtual Reality 
Equality Online 
Managing WhatsApp 2023
Vaping Dangers
Upsetting Content
Setting Boundaries

For further information regarding Online Safety for Children, click on the icons below:


Get in touch

Hermitage Primary School
Belmont Road

T: 01895 234 871