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Phonics and Spellings

Early Reading at Hermitage Primary School:

Supporting Every Child’s Literacy Journey

Reading with children: why is it so important? - Little Lives UK

At Hermitage Primary School, we prioritise early reading as the foundation of a successful learning journey.

About Read Write Inc. Phonics

Read Write Inc. Phonics - Welton St Mary's Academy

The Read Write Inc. programme, designed by Ruth Miskin and published by Oxford University Press, is a comprehensive literacy programme that teaches decoding, comprehension, writing, and spelling. It is used by over a quarter of primary schools in the UK and aligns with the high expectations of the new National Curriculum. The structured approach ensures children develop into fluent readers, confident speakers, and enthusiastic writers.

With a rigorous assessment and tracking system, the programme allows us to identify each child’s progress, enabling targeted support and one-on-one tutoring where needed. Regular training for our staff ensures that the programme is delivered to the highest standards.

Children in Reception and Year 1 are vertically grouped according to their phonic ability. This means they receive a personalised phonics curriculum. The children are assessed on a half-termly basis and are grouped according to their phonetic abilities, ensuring that every child receives a curriculum tailored to their learning needs, promoting equity from the earliest stages.

Key sounds taught:

Sounds are taught in 3 sets in 'Read Write Inc'.

Set 1 Speed Sounds:

Teaching and Learning | Read Write Inc: a Teacher's Guide | Structural  Learning

Set 1 Speed Sounds:
These are the first group of sounds, which contain sounds written with one letter:

m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z q x


and sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’):

sh th ch qu ng nk


Your child will learn to blend these sounds into words, e.g. 

m–a–t mat
f–i–sh fish
s–p–l–a–sh splash




Set 2 Speed Sounds:

Phonics - Grovehouse Primary School : Grovehouse Primary School

Once your child has mastered reading Set 1 Speed Sounds, they will then begin to learn Set 2 Speed Sounds. The following are Set 2 Speed Sounds:

ay ee igh ow oo (zoo) oo (look) ar or air ir ou oy



Set 3 Speed Sounds:

Read Write Inc. Phonics – Set 3 Sounds – Hardwick Primary School

The final set of speed sounds that your child will learn are the Set 3 Speed Sounds. These are:

ae oi a-e i-e o-e u-e aw are ur er ow ai oa ew ire ear ure tion tious/cious

Partnering with Parents'

We know that community plays a vital role in a child’s learning journey. To support families, we recommend exploring Ruth Miskin’s resources for parents, which offer helpful video tutorials and guidance on supporting early reading at home. You can find resources on phonics games, handwriting phrases, reading tips, and more (  and

Smith's Wood Primary Academy - E-Books from Oxford Owl




Programme Progression

In our Nursery, children begin their journey by learning the first 30 sounds in daily sessions. In Reception and Year 1, children:

  • Read online storybooks and non-fiction books matched to their phonetic knowledge

  • Answer associated comprehension questions to further develop their understanding

  • Take home storybooks to share with family

  • Build fluency, expression, and confidence in reading

  • Learn to spell using familiar sounds and write by verbalising their ideas first

  • Collaborate and read with a partner, fostering a love for reading together

  • Use a variety of reading techniques, such as echo and choral reading, to support their oracy skills

By the end of Autumn in Year 2, most children become accurate, speedy readers, well-prepared to transition from phonics-focused learning to broader literacy skills.

National Phonic Screening Check

In the Summer Term, all Year 1 children participate in the National Phonic Screening Check. This assessment requires them to read both real and “alien” words, applying their knowledge of phonics and spelling patterns. Practising this skill daily within our Read Write Inc sessions helps children build confidence in a supportive environment, while the 1:1 screening with their teacher in a familiar setting ensures each child feels comfortable and supported. Those who do not pass the phonics screening in Year 1 continue to receive individualised phonics support and are able to resit the statutory phonics screening check again at the end of Year 2. The pass mark for the phonics screening check has been 32 out of 40 since the check began back in 2021.

At Hermitage Primary, our phonics programme embodies our values of equity, aspiration, and community, ensuring every child has the skills, confidence, and support they need to succeed.

Supporting Spelling at Home

Click on this link for supporting spelling at home - Spelling at home and school

Get in touch

Hermitage Primary School
Belmont Road

T: 01895 234 871