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Governance and Committee Structure

Vanguard Learning Trust is a cross-phase Trust in the London Borough of Hillingdon.

Vyners Learing Trust was established in February 2015 when Ryefield Primary School and Vyners school formed the muti-acadamy Trust.

In September 2018, Ruislip High School joined the Trust, which was renamed Vanguard Learning Trust.  The Trust currently has five schools: Field End Junior School, Hermitage Primary School, Ruislip High School, Ryefield Primary School and Vyners School.  Oak Farm Primary School is also an associate member.

More information can be found on Vanguard Learning Trust’s website (click here).

Vanguard Learning Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales.  
Registered Number: 07796938
Registered Office: Field End Junior School, Field End Road, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 9PQ

The Governing Board Consists of 8 Governors:
1 - Headteacher
1 - Elected Staff Governor (Elected by staff)
2 - Parent Governors (Elected by parents)
4 - Community governors (Appointed by the Local Governing Board)

The Governing Board works under a Committee Structure:
There is one committee, Curriculum and Standards.

 Key Roles - Trust 
 The Chair of the Board of Trustees:  Mr Peter Davies
 The Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees:  Mr David Trood
 The Acting Chair of the Finance
 and Resources Committee:
 Mr Peter Davies
 The Chair of the Audit, Compliance
 and Resource Committee:
 Mr Andy Sykes
 The Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee:  Mr Kim Rowe
 The Lead Trustee for Safeguarding and
 the Chair of the Safeguarding Forum:
 Mrs Pauline Nixon
 The Chair of the Strategic Committee  Cllr. Eddie Lavery
 The Chair of the Chairs Forum:  Cllr. Eddie Lavery
 The Trust's Chief Executive Officer and Accounting Officer   Dr. Martina Lecky


 Key Roles - School
 The Chair of the Local Governing Body:  Mrs Kirsty Farrell
 The Chair of the LGB's Curriculum
 and Standards Committee:
 Mrs Anne Marie Taylor-Kent
 Link Governor for Audit,
 Compliance and Risk:
 Mrs Gurjit Kharbanda
 Link Governor for Safeguarding:  Mrs Anne Marie Taylor-Kent
 The Chair of the Pay Committee:  Mrs Kirsty Farrell
 Community Governor:  Mrs Anne Marie Taylor-Kent
 Head of School:  Mr Nicholas Hingley

Contacting our Chair of Governors:
Should you wish to contact Mrs Taylor-Kent, please ask at the school office.

Parent Governor Vacancy

We currently have 2 vacancies for a parent to join the local governing body of Hermitage Primary School and Ryefield Primary School (known as the Primary Hub).

No special qualifications are needed - the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the school and be prepared to play an active part in the local governing body’s work.

Should you require further details please click on documents 1-4 below.

Get in touch

Hermitage Primary School
Belmont Road

T: 01895 234 871